Historic Northampton

Programs & Events

Midnight to Midnight:
Northampton's Self-Portrait in 48 Hours

Photograph by Paul Griffin
Photograph by Mary Cowhey
M2M photograph by Paul Griffin
M2M photograph by Mary Cowhey
On May 2 & 3, 2014, the community was invited to photograph Northampton, Florence and Leeds during a 48 hour period. More than 1000 photographs were submitted to the Northampton 48 Hours website by over 100 photographers. This documentary photograph project was held in partnership with Forbes Library and the Northampton Photography Group.

Photograph by MJ Maccardini
Photograph by Sarah Nelson
Photograph by Kiki Smith
M2M photograph
by MJ Maccardini
M2M photograph
by Sarah Nelson
M2M photograph
by Kiki Smith

Sponsors of Midnight to Midnight:
Northampton's Self-Portrait in 48 Hours
Florence Savings Bank eclecTechs Jake's Restaurant