Visitor Guides & Maps

A Guide to Jonathan Edwards' Northampton
This 19-page illustrated booklet presents sites in Northampton related to Jonathan Edwards:
- Meetinghouse Hill: Shown in the booklet are illustrations of the second and third Northampton meetinghouses in which Edwards preached. Neither structure stands today. The fifth Northampton meetinghouse / First Congregational Church built in 1877-1878 stands on meetinghouse hill with a step preserved from the third meetinghouse at its front entrance and a bronze tablet of Edwards by sculptor Herbert Adams dedicated in 1900 inside the sanctuary.
- Edwards' King Street homestead (no longer standing): Featured in the booklet is an illustration of the homestead, a photograph of one of the Edwards Elms (no longer standing) and a step from the homestead preserved outside the Forbes Library, the public library for Northampton.
- The Edwards Church established in 1833 and named in honor of Jonathan Edwards.
- The Bridge Street Cemetery: The cemetery contains two nineteenth-century cenotaphs dedicated to Edwards as well as the gravesites of Solomon Stoddard, Esther Stoddard, David Brainerd and Jerusha Edwards. Jonathan Edwards is buried in New Jersey.
- The Manse, a private residence not open to the public, was the homestead of Solomon Stoddard from 1684 to 1729. Only the foundation remains today underneath the rear ell built by Edwards' uncle Colonel John Stoddard in the 1730s. The gambrel roof section in front was built by Solomon Stoddard II, circa 1782.
Paperback: 19 pages with illustrations
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