Historic Northampton

Virtual Exhibits

408 Bridge Road, Florence

408 Bridge Road, Howes Brothers Image 408 Bridge Road, Current

This farmhouse has been traced back to Moses Hunt, who sold the property in 1837. The house is shown on the 1831 map and according to the present owner probably is earlier in date. In 1852 William and Caroline Moore purchased this farmstead, consisting of eleven acres, for $1,000. However , within the deed it is stated that they are already occupying the premises, probably as tenant farmers. The Moore family maintained this property for the rest of the 19th century.

The property is described as being within the Inner Commons near Millstone Mountain, and fronting on the highway from the Connecticut River bridge to Florence, North Farms and Williamsburg. This road dates from the 18th century and appears on the first map of Northampton, dated 1794. According to the present owner the house originally was only 1 1/2 stories in height with ridge rood. A twelve over twelve sash window is located in the rear of the house. These facts would seem to date the house to the late 18th or early 19th century.

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