Native American Homelands Map
Map of Original 17th Century Home Lots
White Hills Map (coming soon)
Bridge Street Cemetery Plot Map, Northampton, Massachusetts
1831 Map of Northampton, Massachusetts
1860 Map of Northampton, Massachusetts
1873 Map of Northampton, Massachusetts
1884 Map of Northampton, Massachusetts
- City of Northampton, Massachusetts, 1884
- Northampton State Hospital Grounds, 1884
- Plate 1 - Downtown Northampton, 1884
- Plate 2 - South Street/Elm Street area, 1884
- Plate 3 - King Street area, 1884
- Plate 4 - Bay State Village, 1884
- Plate 5 - Elm Street/Prospect Street area, 1884
- Plate 6 - Florence, 1884
- Plate 7 - Florence, 1884
- Plate 8 - Florence, 1884
- Plate 9 - Leeds, 1884 (not available at this time)
1895 Map of Northampton, Massachusetts
- Plate 1 - City of Northampton , 1895
- Plate 3 - Main Street area, 1895
- Plate 4 - Bridge Street/Market Street area, 1895
- Plate 5 - South Street area, 1895
- Plate 6 - Smith College/N'ton State Hospital area, 1895
- Plate 7 - Crescent Street to King Street, 1895
- Plate 8 - Bridge Street from Fair Street, 1895
- Plate 9 - Elm Street area, 1895
- Plate 10 - Bay State Village, 1895
- Plate 11 - Florence, 1895
- Plate 12 - Bridge Road area, 1895
- Plate 13 - Florence, 1895
- Plate 14 - Leeds, 1895
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